The kind of career I want and why:

After completing my undergraduate degree, my aspirations are to pursue a role in digital communications and e-commerce marketing, because my university experience and interests have led me towards a career in communications. I want to work in communications because I think it would fit my natural proficiency skills in interpersonal and mass communication. Throughout my undergraduate studies, I have not only been equipped with practical verbal and written tools, but have also developed the necessary expertise for success in this field. Moreover, I am drawn to the flexibility and hybrid work options that communication jobs often provide, as it would fit well with the life I share with my partner. Lastly, I have entry-level experience in the tourism industry, where I work as a communications specialist, and this has increased my confidence in pursuing this career path.

My relevant skills to achieve success:

My relevant skills encompass both written and verbal communication tools that I honed throughout my undergraduate degree. In addition to possessing natural communication abilities, I excel in public speaking, creativity, and hold a personal interest in learning digital and technology skills. These skills coupled with the theoretical knowledge gained during my undergraduate, positions me to succeed in the field of communications. Furthermore, my drive for success and dedication to hard work have equipped me to overcome obstacles within this field. These qualities, combined with my academic success, I believe qualify me to achieve success in the realm of communications.

Skills encouraged by TRU’s ILO:

As per the Institutional Learning Outcomes of Thompson Rivers University I have completed the following outcomes through my university career: Connection, Engagement, Exploration, and Local-to-Global. Some skills encouraged by my experiences within these outcomes include teamwork skills, where I volunteered for school clubs, and worked alongside its members in a team. I have explored new photography and videography avenues, worked with youth groups, become an students ambassador for prospective students, and applied for internships within the communication field. I worked for a non for profit, volunteered, and engaged with different people from diverse backgrounds in an effort to seek connection in community.


Specifically, within the ILO is Connection which highlights Communication and Teamwork. I have fulfilled this outcome in EVNT 3800 and JOUR 2060. In EVNT 3800, the class developed and executed a real-world event with the guidance of the professor. This course was practical and hands on. I had the chance to lead the dedicated communications team who was in charge of public relations for the event. I led my group well with the knowledge gained from my degree, and then effectively communicated our progress, achievements, and needs with the greater team and class. One of the biggest achievements from the team was getting a published press release on and a promotional video recap of the event professionally produced by MARCOMM at TRU. Please see that video here. As for JOUR 2060, this class help developed my effective communications skills to communicate with a variety of different audiences and demands. In this course I learned the importance of storytelling and empathy within public communications.


The next ILO is Engagement which encouraged Lifelong Learning and Social Responsibility. I fulfilled this leaning outcome with CMNS 2160. Some skills encouraged by this ILO include understanding and operating within the total media environment in which our society operates. This meant learning how the largest media corporations do business, the type of oligopolies that exist and why, as well as critically evaluating their social responsibility, sustainability, and ethical behaviour. CMNS 2160 required me to reflect on the choices made within media industries, and what has influenced pop culture. This helped me evaluate what I would do differently as well as see how the media industry operates today.


The ILO Exploration seeks Knowledge and Critical Thinking/Investigation. This ILO was fulfilled by CMNS 4530 and ENGL 1110. I took both these courses at the university I transferred from, but they fulfilled similar requirements to TRU. In these courses I was able to understand organizational communication within an organization as well as complexities of various perspectives, social issues, and overall academic discipline. It was in these classes that I had to consider, through critical thinking, how to go about communicating with others and understand peoples’ motives and perspectives.


Lastly, the ILO of Local-To-Global includes investing Indigenous Knowledges and Ways & Intercultural Awareness. I fulfilled this ILO with CMNS 3510. This course was completed at my previous university and focused on cross-culture communication. The outcome of this course left me feeling more respect and value for diverse cultures and worldviews. I was introduced to a wide range of cultural perspectives, and how different backgrounds and people from across cultures collaborate in the workplace. Ultimately, this course encouraged me to seek more ways of broadening my intercultural awareness.

Overall, my ILO enabled me to take on challenges like joining clubs at my university, working with students, navigate my interpersonal and cross culture relationships, as well as graduate with a well-rounded knowledge base.